Original File Location: E:/Graphics/COMPANY LOGOS CO-OP/School Logo List/HS_out_of_ON/8861-8870.cdr ,HS (Out of ON), Track and field, track2019, psd, psd track2019, School, Hanah Oresacam, 8863, 8001606, 20975, St. John’s , Mascot: Tigers, ID: 8001606
Short Initials: / Short Name: St. John’s
Pro League? / Details:
Address / Postal Code : 401 Church Avenue / R2W 1C4
City / Province / Country : Winnipeg / ON / CA
School Board: Winnipeg School Division
Logo URL: https://www.winnipegsd.ca/schools/Style%20Library/ci_upload/bcc59ccf-065a-4376-a588-d6265deeb58fn.png
Website: https://www.winnipegsd.ca/schools/stjohn/
Coaches & Emails: Fred Burdon (firstletterlastname@sd62.bc.ca) ; (fburdon@sd62.bc.ca) ; ()
Established Year: