, Mascot: , ID: 1101123
Short Initials: / Short Name: NIAGARA SLO PITCH
Pro League? / Details:
Address / Postal Code : /
City / Province / Country : Niagara Falls / ON / CA
School Board:
Logo URL: https://sites.google.com/site/niagarafallsslopitchleague/_/rsrc/1501693148177/home/2017%20-%20NFSLP-Logo.jpg
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/niagarafallsslopitchleague/home
Coaches & Emails: () ; () ; ()
Established Year:
, Mascot: , ID: 1101126
Short Initials: / Short Name: SANDLOT
Pro League? / Details:
Address / Postal Code : /
City / Province / Country : / ON / CA
School Board:
Logo URL: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-1/c23.23.284.284/s160x160/225627_217205704974102_725653_n.jpg?oh5c
Coaches & Emails: () ; () ; ()
Established Year:
Club, Softball, Mascot: Devils, Number of Colours: 2
Club, Softball, Mascot: Deer, Number of Colours: 2
Club, Softball, Mascot: Crusaders, Number of Colours: 2
Club, Softball, Mascot: Crows, Number of Colours: 2
Club, Softball, Mascot: Coyotes, Number of Colours: 2
Club, Softball, Mascot: Cougars, Number of Colours: 2
Club, Softball, Mascot: Corsair, Number of Colours: 2
Club, Softball, Mascot: Conair, Number of Colours: 2